About Me

My name is Jackson Rathod and I love Photography because it is a powerful medium that allows individuals to capture and preserve memories, express creativity, and explore the world around them.

One of the reasons I love photography is its ability to capture and preserve special moments. Every time I take a photograph, I am are freezing a moment in time that will never happen again. Whether it’s a portrait of a loved one, a landscape of a favorite place, or a candid shot of daily life, I have the ability to hold onto these memories forever. Photography allows me to look back on these moments and remember the emotions, sights and sounds associated with them, providing a way to hold onto memories and emotions for a lifetime.

Another reason I love photography is the ability to express creativity and tell stories through images. Photography gives me the opportunity to play with colors, shapes, and light to create visually striking images that convey a message, evoke emotions, or capture a moment in history. I enjoy experimenting with different compositions, lighting, and editing techniques to create unique and personal pieces of art.

I also enjoy the adventure and exploring aspect of photography. Whether I am traveling to new places or simply exploring my own backyard, photography provides an excuse to get out and see the world. It allows me to document the places I’ve been, the people I’ve met, and the things I’ve seen. It’s a way of recording my journey and the beauty of the world around me.

Additionally, I find the technical aspects of photography interesting. Understanding aperture, ISO, shutter speed, and different equipment can be a challenging and rewarding task. Photography is not only an art form but also a craft, I enjoy experimenting and playing with the settings, trying out different lenses and accessories, and learning about the latest camera technology.

Ultimately, the love of photography can come from a combination of many things, from the joy of capturing and preserving memories, to the creativity and storytelling aspect, to the exploration and technical side of things. It’s a medium that allows one to express oneself, document reality and create something beautiful out of the ordinary.

My goal is to be an expert at this art of photography through this blog and hopefully this blog can teach others like me who are in the same boat as me. We can take this journey together and learn from each other.

Thanks for your interest and please do not hesitate to reach out or post a comment or give me any feedback on how I can improve my site.