My other work

There are many reasons I enjoy photography. Here’s why I love it…

Preserving memories: Photography allows me to capture and preserve memories of people, places, and events that are important to me. Looking back at old photographs can evoke strong emotions and bring back fond memories.

  1. Artistic expression: Photography can be a form of artistic expression. Photographers can use techniques such as composition, lighting, and color to create visually stunning images that can be appreciated for their beauty and creativity.
  2. Capturing the beauty of the world: Photography allows me to capture the beauty of the world around me, from stunning landscapes to unique and interesting people and animals. This can be a way to appreciate and connect with the world in a deeper way.
  3. Documenting history: Photography has long been used as a way to document historical events and social issues. Photographs can tell stories and provide a window into the past, allowing us to better understand and appreciate our shared history.
  4. Sharing experiences: Photography is a way to share experiences with others, whether through social media or by sharing physical prints. It allows me to connect with others and share our perspectives on the world.

check out my other work below!!